Beiträge von BettaJetta

    Also ich moechte mich gerne bei Basti und Lurchi bedanken fuer die Organisation des Treffens . :] All denen die nur rummeckern wuerde ich gerne sagen, dass sie es erstmal besser machen sollen. ;) Eine Organisation eines solchen Treffens ist bestimmt nicht leicht besonders wenn man es zum ersten Mal macht.

    Wenn man ein Treffen in einer Bowlinghalle organisiert, gehe ich zumindest davon aus, das man sich dort u.a. auch zum bowlen trifft, sonst haetten wir ja auch einfach Plaezte in einem Restaurant mieten koennen.

    Ich dachte wir ziehen hier alle am gleichen Strang, aber es scheint wohl nicht so zu sein. Kritisiert nicht so viel, helft den anderen.

    Trotzalledem freue ich mich ueber die rege Teilnahme am Treffen und James wird sich sicher freuen, jeden einzelnen von Euch dort zu treffen. :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

    Druecken wir ihm alle die Daumen dass er es puenktlich schafft, heim zu kommen, da es gestern schon einige Verzoegerungen mit seinem Flug gab, aber bis Samstag wird es er schon schaffen. =)

    The bowling center looks nice. I will ask Claudia about a place to meet. We used to live in Mannheim for many years. The bowling center could be a nice place to have fun. I think its best if we mee on a Saturday at 5 or 6 pm. We can reserve some place but it has to be done soon.

    The bowling hall has a lot of things to do.

    arcade games

    I dont know a price but I will contact them today and see what they say.

    I lowered the gas tank. That is very easy. Only 2 bolts. Then I welded the rear brackets to the car. Ensure you cover everything in the car because the welding will damage window tint, windows and any oght materials that it touches. I would weld for a few seconds and then use a wet towel to cool it off and then continue wlding. Be careful of the gas tank. The the front brackets are put in with bolts. The seat had the tiping function. The seats are from a new beetle. I cut the tilting function off of the seats and used the holes that the seat alread has for mounting. The seat is held in place with bolts. I am not sure what the tuev will say about this method but ensure they are very stable!....for your safety.If you ride with a lot of full sized men in your car, I would not do this. My son is now getting bigger and might have problems to sit there so keep that in mind. I hope that helps.

    Hello everyone, I want to wish everyone a happy holidays and fall into the new year. I dont know how to say that in German....sorry. Well I just found out a few days ago that I will be returning to Germany in January for a 2 week vacation. I will be returning sometime between 8 and 12 January if everything goes as planned. I cant wait. I need a break. I have had about 5 days free from work since I left Germany! That sucks. I would like to schedule a small get together. I was thinking of going bowling and to a restaurant to eat some real German food. Is there anyone interrested? I was thinking of doing this in Darmstadt or Mannheim because some friend will be coming from different locations. On 19 December, my office will have a small luncheon and exchange gifts. its not like home but its a cool idea.I wish I was home with my family to enjoy this christmas with them. Claudia and the kids sent me some gifts which was nice of them. Well I guess thats enough in English. Take care everyone and have a nice Christmas

    Well for work, I am a platoon sergeant for 30 soldiers and I am also a planner. That just about all I can say. I will try to make a video. I am not sure when I can post it because its very, very difficult to upload to my web from Iraq. This trip is much better in Iraq because I dont have to drive in many convoys outside the kaserne. Just about everything is done here or we can fly on helicopters to another location. The living areas are much better. The last time I lived in a room in a small building that had been hit with several rockets. I can eat real food(not the stuff that is packaged two years ago). Also, I am not apart of any seciruty team like before. Claudia sends me some things in the mail to help the time pass and it only takes 5 days to arrive. Last time I was here, 2 weeks were required to recieve a package or letter. I will probably return in January for 2 week relaxation time. I spoke with a few vortexers and they are willing to have a small gtg at a restaurant. Anyone in the hessen, rheinland pfalz area interrested?

    Thanks EvilBabe

    Hello everyone, I am finally here and the living is not so bad. The food is great! I dont drive on any convoys or leave the Army base. Its beginning to get cold here.....well I guess it does not compare to Germany. I work about 13 hours a day and and I 'll have my first free day on December 1. Here are a few links to some pics I made here.

    Convoy in Iraq

    Road to Iraq from Kuwait

    Replacement for BettaJetta

    Where I live. I share this with 5 other people!

    My space in the trailor

    Where I lived in Kuwait

    Me in Kuwait

    Hey guys, I just wanted to say goodbye for one year. I will be heading out tomorrow sometime. I guess I'll have to catch up with you all next fall. I just wanted to say thank you to the Nici.....Syncros,Noise, Benny, Defshooter, the Bodensee crew and all that supported me during the treffen season. I will miss you all and I will be thinking or you during my stay in the sand land. I will do my best to stay in contact but no promisses because I might not have internet there. I only ask if you have time to pray for me and all my fellow soldiers for a safe return. Well its time to sign off for a while, take care Golf Forum family and best wishes for the year to come.

    Hallo Lurchi,
    auch von uns willkommen hier im Forum... :]stimmt, bald sind alle Boraner hier vertreten 8), aber es sind auch beide Foren super. =) =)


    Claudia ;)